Monday, 12 November 2007

Sky is fine after eating sweets and chocolate

After lasts nights late raid on the sweets and chocolate basket Sky seems fine today. A little overactive, maybe from all the extra sugar intake, or maybe I'm just imagining it. She seems a little more hyper. Probably could do with another good walk. She certainly got some extra food to be burnt off.

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Sunday, 11 November 2007

Bad case of Separation Anxiety for Sky

Sky, my Airedale Terrier used to suffer badly from separation anxiety and we would often come home to see things destroyed, toys, cushions, anything she could reach, bags gone through and contents strewn everywhere. For quite a few months we had to resort to putting her in her dog crate / bed while we went out.

Over time and trying various methods to prevent separation anxiety she improved no end with the odd blip along the way. Well it feels like a years, since she last had a bad case of separation anxiety.

It was actually odd that she had it this evening because before we left she made sure she was calm in her bed, which didn't take more than a few seconds as she was fairly tired from her 2 good walks. She had been fed, so was full in stomach and fully exercised. Ideal for relaxing sleep.

We were out for approximately 4 hours and when we came back there were sweets and sweet wrappers everywhere. Within her reach was a basket of sweets and chocolate bars. In fact it is quite low down and has been there for a good couple of years and no problems.
She had literally picked out every sweet and tried to eat most of them, not being successful with the individually wrapped ones. Chocolate bars had gone to, fortunately there's wasn't many in the basket and they were only small mini biscuit type bars. Chocolate can be poisonous to dogs if too much is eaten.

She also looked huge I could see her stomach was bloated. We then noticed she had got in her sack of dried dog food. This is also floor level and has been so for over 4 years. Admittedly she has got in there on a couple of previous occasions in the past, so we block the entrance to the opening of the food.

Its not pleasant to come home after a good time out, tired and then being faced with the situation. It was a right mess and obviously we were concerned about her eating sweets and chocolate, especially for a dog that's on a prescription only diet.

Apart from looking fat she seems fine. I gave her plenty of water to drink.

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