Northern Inuit Breeders
If you are looking for Northern Inuit puppies for sale, please first give thought to rescuing a dog, and see if there's a dog rescue or even a specific Northern Inuit rescue center near your location.
We only link to and provide information on Northern Inuit breeders with webistes. Even if they are not near your loction they are a useful source of information about the breed as well as usually having lots of Northern Inuit pics.
Northern Inuit Breeders
Shima Onida Kennels
Honiahaka Northern Inuits
Our Kennel name "Honiahaka" is cheyenne for " Little Wolf " (and has been accepted by the UK kennel club). We are Tracey, Andy & Georgie, & we live on a small farm in Essex.We are owned by 7 Northern Inuits Saskia & Anya, who are our main girls and do most things with us, Kaskae who is now 2years old and a complete clown.