Kerry Blue Terrier Breeders
If you are looking for Kerry Blue Terrier puppies for sale, please first give thought to rescuing a dog, and see if there's a dog rescue or even a specific Kerry Blue Terrier rescue center near your location.
We only link to and provide information on Kerry Blue Terrier breeders with webistes. Even if they are not near your loction they are a useful source of information about the breed as well as usually having lots of Kerry Blue Terrier pics.
Kerry Blue Terrier Breeders
Chapeau Terriers The owner of Chapeau Terriers is Rosana Garcia y Pedro A. Quesada Diaz from Caceres, Espana.
Irisfingels The owner of Irisfingels is
Montse Sanchez & Carles Diaz from Spain.
Kebulak The Owner of Kebulak is Cara Davani, Kebulak Kerry Blue and Lakeland Terriers, UK. They started showing dogs from a young age, initially showing Cherie Walters’, her aunt’s, Airedale Terriers in junior handling competitions and then her Kerry Blue Terriers as a partner in the Kamaghan Kennels.