Finnish Spitz Breeders
If you are looking for Finnish Spitz puppies for sale, please first give thought to rescuing a dog, and see if there's a dog rescue or even a specific Finnish Spitz rescue center near your location.
We only link to and provide information on Finnish Spitz breeders with webistes. Even if they are not near your loction they are a useful source of information about the breed as well as usually having lots of Finnish Spitz pics.
Finnish Spitz Breeders
Subriian Finnnish Spitzs In 2005 they bought their first Finnish Spitz Puppy Sukunimi Miina (Tara). They were so happy with her and found her to be very intelligent. When Tara was 5 months old they decided it would be nice for her to have a pal, so they bought home Sukunimi Gemma. From then on things became very busy and noisy in their household and also very expensive as they had to change the car to an estate to accommodate the girls.