Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeders
If you are looking for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies for sale, please first give thought to rescuing a dog, and see if there's a dog rescue or even a specific Cavalier King Charles Spaniel rescue center near your location.
We only link to and provide information on Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeders with webistes. Even if they are not near your loction they are a useful source of information about the breed as well as usually having lots of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pics.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeders
Perfidelis They are specialists in Cavalier King Charles since 1994 and therefore have extensive knowledge of the breed. So you can be assured that if you are adopting a pup from them it will be a well adjusted very sociable happy little pup.
Wallastowns Cavalier King Charles and Shetland Sheepdogs They are a kennel accredited breeders of Cavalier King Charles and Shetland Sheepdogs.
Inez Cavaliers They are a small family owned kennel located in Princeton, Minnesota. Their Cavalier dogs are their family pets as well as show dogs. They have been raising quality Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies for a considerable period of time. |