Breeders & Puppies For Sale If your
a Sheltidoodle breeder and have Sheltidoodle puppies for sale, send us your details for free and we will add to our Sheltidoodle Breeders page.
Rescue Center Visit the Sheltidoodle rescue centers if your looking to rescue a Sheltidoodle, as well as learn more about the breed or just support the rescue centers for there hard work.
General Breed Information
A cross between the Sheltie and the Poodle the Sheltidoodle is a hybrid dog and not a purebred dog.
Small to medium sized dogs, the Sheltidoodles physical appearance varies greatly and can either look very much like a Poodle or a Sheltie. Wavy and curly coats are the most common kind of coats for these dogs but some have the Shelties longer, smoother coats. Colors vary too but typically include black and white, golden and white and tri-color white, black and gray. They are low to no shedding dogs, ideal for some people who may have experienced allergic reactions to other breeds.
Sheltidoodles inherit the intelligence of the Poodle making them fast learning, quick to train dogs.
Sheltidoodles are fun, lively dogs. They need a bit more exercise than smaller lapdog hybrids so should be exercised outside at least once a day whenever possible. They make excellent family dogs being quick to obey, never aggressive and always ready for play.
The Sheltidoodle weight can range from fifteen to twenty five pounds when fully grown.
Famous Examples
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More Sheltidoodle Information: Check out our Sheltidoodle Clubs and links to more informative websites dedicated to the breed.
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