Miniature Goldendoodle
Miniature Goldendoodle
Breeders & Puppies For Sale If your
a Miniature Goldendoodle breeder and have Miniature Goldendoodle puppies for sale, send us your details for free and we will add to our Miniature Goldendoodle Breeders page.
Miniature Goldendoodle
Rescue Center Visit the Miniature Goldendoodle rescue centers if your looking to rescue a Miniature Goldendoodle, as well as learn more about the breed or just support the rescue centers for there hard work.
General Breed Information
Miniature Goldendoodles are not a purebred dog being a hybrid created by American and Australian breeders mixing the Golden Retriever with the Poodle.
Being a hybrid breed there is a wide variety in coat types from slightly wavy to moderately curly and coloring from completely blonde to golden red. These dogs are low shedders making them suitable for some people who may be allergic to other dogs.
Miniature Goldendoodle's make good family dogs being easy to train, loyal and friendly - they get on well with children. Miniature Goldendoodle's are energetic dogs and require plenty of exercise.
As with any hybrid dog there can be a wide variation in sizes and breeders have different opinions about what exactly defines a miniature dog but typically a Miniature Goldendoodle will be around 25 -35 pounds in weight and 12 to 18 inches high when fully grown.
Famous Examples
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More Miniature Goldendoodle Information: Check out our Miniature Goldendoodle Clubs and links to more informative websites dedicated to the breed.
Submit your Miniature Goldendoodle pictures Send us any pics of your Miniature Goldendoodle, let us know there name and age and any other details. We'll add to this page. Contact us |