Breeders & Puppies For Sale If your
a Airedoodle breeder and have Airedoodle puppies for sale, send us your details for free and we will add to our Airedoodle Breeders page.
Rescue Center Visit the Airedoodle rescue centers if your looking to rescue a Airedoodle, as well as learn more about the breed or just support the rescue centers for there hard work.
General Breed Information
The Airedoodle is not considered a purebred dog. This is because it is a cross between two purebred dogs of differing breeds, namely the Poodle and the Airedale Terrier. Airedoodles make excellent watch dogs and are also usually used as family companions because of their fun loving and good natured temperament.
Airedoodles are muscular dogs with a sturdy, square build. When fully grown, these dogs have a height that ranges from 22 to 26 inches and a weight that falls between 45 and 65 pounds. They have a hard, wiry, and dense coat. The coat of these dogs is usually tan with black markings, but it may also have some white in it.
The life span of Airedoodles range from 10 to 15 years. These dogs should be groomed often. Owners have to brush the coat of these dogs regularly and bathe them when necessary.
Famous Examples
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More Airedoodle Information: Check out our Airedoodle Clubs and links to more informative websites dedicated to the breed.
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